package StringLearning; class Display { public static void print (String s) { System. out .println(s); } } public class StringFunc { public static void main (String[] args) { String s = "Java Programming" ; // Display original string Display. print (s); // Converts all characters to lower case Display. print ( "LowerCase: " + s.toLowerCase()); // Converts all characters to upper case Display. print ( "UpperCase: " + s.toUpperCase()); // Concatenates the specified string to the end of the original string Display. print ( "Concatenation: " + s.concat( " is easy." )); // Replaces each occurrence of a character with a new character Display. print ( "Replace 'a' with 'b': " + s.replace( 'a' , 'b' )); // Replaces each occurrence of a substring with a new substring Displ...
Java Program package LAB_Report; /* 2. Write a program in Java to demonstrate the usage of access modifiers: public, private, protected and default. */ class AccessModifier{ int defaultValue ; // this is visible within the package only public int publicValue ; // this is visible everywhere protected int protectedValue ; // this is visible within the package and subclasses private int privateValue ; // this is visible within the class only public void setPrivateValue ( int privateValue) { this . privateValue = privateValue; } public int getPrivateValue () { return privateValue ; } } class AccessModifierProtected extends AccessModifier{ public void setValue ( int value2){ this . protectedValue = value2; } public int getValue2 (){ return protectedValue ; } } public class Lab_2 { public static void main (String[] args) { AccessModifier am = new AccessModifier(); ...